The Nemean Wine Route

The Nemean Wine Route takes you past excellent wineries nestled in the hills southwest of Corinth. An easy 45km drive north takes you to Nemea one of the best places in Greece to get to know local grape varieties. We have selected few bespoke wineries where you will be indulged by indigenous varieties such as Agiorgitiko and fruity Moschofilero.

Hiking the Lousios Gorge

You can start hiking into the gorge near Stemnitsa, visiting the Prodromou Monastery which was built into the rock face, and end the opposite side, visiting the ruins of the Old Philosophou Monastery. Or begin your hike from Dimitsana, hiking a mixture of  wooded trails and dirt roads through forests, past Byzantine fortress ruins and stone houses.

Lousios river is where Zeus Father of the Gods bathed himself.
Enjoy paddling in Lousios and Alfios rivers, which are of 2nd degree difficulty. Various stops will be made for swimming in the crystal-clear waters and for photo shouting in the spectacular gorge.

New Philosophou Monastery in Lousios Gorge, Gortynia, Arcadia, Peloponnese

Ancient Olympia

Wander around the remains of the original Olympic Games site, walk past the starting line of the Olympic stadium and see where the Olympic flame is lit every four years. Admire the marble statues at the nearby archaeological museum.


Once an important castle of the Byzantine Empire, builted on a steep mountainside. Spend half a day exploring ruined palaces and medieval churches, hiking to the mountaintop fortress and visiting the open churches and convents.


Nafplio is one of Greece’s prettiest and most romantic towns and the first capital of Greece after Independence (between 1833 and 1834) So strategic was its position that it had three fortresses which you can visit: the massive Palamidi, the smaller Akronafplia, and Bourtzi on an island west of the old town.